As required under the terms of your installment contract, you agree to maintain physical damage insurance covering loss or damage to your vehicle. At any time during the term of your contract, if you fail to have physical damage insurance, we will place a physical damage policy on your account resulting in a higher monthly payment. Please refer to your installment contract for details and repayment obligations.
If you have your own insurance coverage, please be sure to have your agent list Saddleback Acceptance Corporation as the loss payee at the following address:
Saddleback Acceptance Corporation
PO BOX 11119
SANTA ANA, CA 92711-1119
Your agent may fax a declaration page to us at (714) 558-1231 showing the correct lien holder/ loss payee information. Please be sure that your policy lists a maximum deductible of $500.
Please note that we will only accept auto insurance policies from companies that are rated in the AM Best Guide. Un-rated insurance companies will not be accepted.